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Jesus' advice is easy to understand. «There is no sound tree that produces rotten fruit, nor again a rotten tree that produces sound fruit. Every tree can be told by its own fruit: people do not pick figs from thorns, nor gather grapes from brambles».

In a society damaged by so many injustices and abuses, where the «thorns» of interests and mutual rivalries grow and where spring forth so many «brambles» of hatred, discord and aggressivity, healthy persons are necessary who give another class of fruit. What can each one of us do to heal just a little the social living-together that is so damaged among us?

Maybe we need to start by not making anyone's life more difficult than it already is. Make an effort so that at least close to us life would be more human and bearable. Don't poison our surroundings with our bitterness. Create around us some different relationships made up of trust, goodness and warmth.

We need among us persons who know how to welcome. When we welcome someone, we're freeing that person from loneliness and are sowing new powers for living. As difficult as the situation may be in which we encounter them, if they discover that they aren't alone and have someone they can call on, their hope will be awakened again. How important it is to offer safety and welcome, listening to so many people mistreated in life.

We need to also develop a lot more understanding. Let people know that no matter how serious their mistakes are, they will always find in me someone who will understand them. We need to start by not putting anyone down, no even interiorly: don't condemn or judge too hastily. Most of our judgements and condemnations only show our small human quality.

It's also important to pass on encouragement to those who suffer. Our problem isn't having problems, but not having the power to confront them. Near us are persons who suffer from insecurity, loneliness, failure, sickness, lack of being understood...They don't need prescriptions to solve their crises. They need someone who shares their suffering and puts into their lives an inner strength that sustains them.

Forgiveness can be another source of hope in our society. People who don't hold onto anger or feed resentment, and who know how to forgive truly: these sow hope all around them. Near them life is always growing.

It's not a matter of closing our eyes to evil and injustice. It's simply a matter of listening to the refrain of Paul of Tarsus: «Never pay back evil with evil». The most healthy way to fight against evil in a society that's so damaged as ours is, is to do good «without paying back evil for evil to anyone... as much as is possible, and to the utmost of your ability, be at peace with everyone» (Romans 12,17-18).


José Antonio Pagola

 Translator: Fr. Jay VonHandorf

Publicado en www.gruposdejesus.com

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