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Not everyone was enthusiastic with Jesus’ project. In many of them there arose quite a few doubts and questions. Is it reasonable to follow him? Isn’t it crazy? These are the questions of those Galileans and everyone who encountered Jesus in a somewhat profound level.

Jesus told two small parables to «seduce» whoever remained indifferent. He wanted to sow in everyone a decisive question: Isn’t there in life a «secret» that we still haven’t discovered?

Everyone understood the parable of that poor farmer who, while he was digging in the ground that wasn’t his, found a hidden treasure in some jar. He didn’t think about it twice. It was the chance of a lifetime. He couldn’t not take advantage of it. He sold everyone he had and full of joy got the treasure.

A rich merchant of pearls did the same when he discovered one pearl of incalculable value. He had never seen anything like it. He sold everything he possessed and got the pearl.

Jesus’ words were seductive. Will God be like that? Will this be how we encounter God? Discover a «treasure» more beautiful and attractive, more solid and true than all that we are living and enjoying?

Jesus is communicating his experience of God: what has completely transformed his life. Will he be right? Is this what it means to follow him? Encounter what’s essential, have the immense fortune to find what the human being is yearning for from forever?

Among us, many people are abandoning religion without having tasted God. I understand them. I would do the same. If a person hasn’t discovered a little of the experience of God that Jesus lived out, religion is boring. Isn’t worth it.

What’s sad is to encounter so many Christians whose lives aren’t marked by joy, awe or the surprise of God. They have never been there. They live closed into their religion, without having encountered any «treasure». Among Jesus’ followers, taking care of the interior life isn’t just one more thing. It’s indispensable in order to live open to the surprise of God.


José Antonio Pagola

 Translator: Fr. Jay VonHandorf

Publicado en www.gruposdejesus.com

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