Rafael Calvo BecaThanksgiving
It's quite right that we thank you, Father God
for our existence and for the life you have given us
and for the creation that accompanies us.
We want, Lord, to be always mindful
of the need for thanksgiving.
But we know you are not a God
who is pleased with sacrifices and sufferings,
that the only thing you want
is for us to get on well together, as brothers,
that we respect and love each other,
and look after one another.
We cannot allow any longer
that so much hunger continues to exist in the world,
and there is no mystery in the evil that besets us,
because it is not your fault but only ours,
the direct result of our egoism and passivity.
But thank you, Father, for giving us the opportunity each day
to try and become more humane
and try and live in universal brotherhood.
In thankfulness, we sing in your honour this hymn of glory.
Memorial of the Lord's Supper
Thank you, Father, for giving us Jesus.
We cannot find sufficient words
to thank you for his time in history.
Thank you, Father, thank you. Jesus is everything for us.
Jesus is our guide,
who shows us how to walk in this world.
He only needed to look at people's hearts
and never took into account their their social or religious status.
He taught us every day that as far as he was concerned
there were no people of greater or lesser rank,
that we are all equal in front of God
and no one can be excluded from society.
He insisted once and again
that we cannot forget our brothers
whom, first of all, we have empoverished
and afterwards separated and marginalised.
Invocation to the Spirit of God
When we remember the whole life of Jesus,
his fortitude in enduring his death on the cross,
and how you finally welcomed him in your arms as your son,
we ask you, holy Father, to send us your Spirit
so that those of us who form this community gathered here together
learn how to place our little grain of sand
in the construction of your kingdom.
Counting with your strength,
we propose to follow the footsteps of Jesus
and collaborate to the utmost of our ability
in the great task of building a more just and humane world.
Cast away from our lives, Father God,
all arrogance, envy, anger and wickedness,
and help us to be good and understanding with everyone.
No one in our community
must feel themselves to be cold-shouldered or considered second rate.
We want everyone who surrounds us to be happy,
including also those who, may be far away, but need us.
To you all glory, through Jesus, the Christ, our Lord.
Rafael Calvo
Traducción de Hugo Castelli